
  Some other notes on the first experience at Hayward:  For some reason, they measured every long throw with steel tape.  Seemed rather retro and it was very time consuming.  Not sure if the triangulation devices weren't working or what.  On day one they faced a single wind gauge towards where a referee might be sitting for the LJ, meaning about 10% of the stadium could see it.  By day two, they not only faced the gauge properly, but add a second gauge and angled one towards the finish line and the other towards the start of the 100.  WiFi was free.  Not sure if that's going to be the norm since one usually has to have a sign in and I also found that cellular data was better.  Quite surprised that the stadium wasn't teched up ala the 9ers stadium in the Bay Area, but maybe it was and they simply weren't using the tech the first weekend.  And now, the photos.  Forgive me if there are too many, but I wanted to try to cover as many aspects of the new Hayward as possible...